Thursday, November 19, 2009

Visitor Count 2009: Low

When I first moved here, I had 5 sets of visitors in under 5 months! How exciting that in 2008 I was able to have some friends and family visit me so soon? Since then, the attendance at Tucker House/Wolverine House/Mutt House (still working on the name) has dropped off precipitously. In 2009, I had a total of 3 visitors - and they were all here at the same time! (Non work related visitors technically)

Now people, how many of you have these views on your morning walks? Huh? Book your spaces now for 2010. I want to squeeze you in amidst all my travels.


Barb said...

I want to come visit! And I think we can talk Crissy into it also.

V said...

On my way!

David said...

Hey! I stopped in for dinner on my way back from Oslo!

Lynda said...

David- I counted you in my five sets of visitors. V - looking forward to seeing you next week. Whoohoo!