Friday, July 16, 2010

Prague Castle

One of the must sees when visiting Prague is the castle. I really enjoyed the castle for its beauty, history and information. I have to admit, I learned a lot!
Crossing the bridge over the old moat towards one of the entrances. It was a lovely summer day.

Coming up on St. Vitus' Cathedral.

I've realized I really like archways. Not sure why. Took a ton of photos in India of them too. I liked this view as we crossed into the castle - notice the tourists on the other end?

The main entrance to Prague Castle is opposite a very large square. Take a look at the size of the statues overlooking the guards below. I would have to say having two towering monuments of warriors kicking the crap out of someone is probably a pretty good deterrent. It's not all sunshine and rainbows in this castle.....

As I'm learning from Windsor Castle and the like (and well, logic and history), castles tend to be built on a hill. I loved this view of the castle wall on the left and the stairs down to the city below. For the record we cheated and took the tram to the top.

Inside the walls it's not all battling demons - there are pretty gardens too. I think this used to be a bath tub. Not a bad view from the tub, eh?

Couldn't resist this view of a courtyard.

Not the best picture but some beautiful stone steps and railings below.

The door handles remind me of Egyptian dogs and pharaohs.

Close up view of St. Victus' Cathedral.

Statue of St. George slaying the Dragon. I was surprised to see this as it is a very English story/tradition. There are a ton of pubs named the George and Dragon as well as people celebrate St. George's day. Then again, the slaying of the dragon catapulted thousands of people to convert to Christianity so perhaps this is more about religion than a children's story or pub name?

Inside the Basilica of St. George. Very impressive ceiling.

I couldn't get enough of the views overlooking the city. It looks like everyone on this side of the castle had a room with a view.

Inside the chapel.

I have to admit, I was fairly impressed the way this picture turned out. I still have camera envy (more race photos soon to show you why) but my little Kodak did this one justice.

Outside the cathedral, my usual obsession with statues and gutter spouts. I totally think everyone should get these for their houses.


Lastly, an attempt to get Prague castle at night. If you think this is a bad picture, you should have seen the five others that I deleted. Hopefully this conveyed some of the beauty and history. If you don't think it is pretty, I'll send you pictures of my 1970's cinder block dorm room from university. Sometimes you just have to say 'they don't build them like they used too'.........

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