Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring Cleaning

It is a 4 day weekend here in the UK for Easter. For once, I've decided to stay home and do a little mental and physical spring cleaning. I've been going going going too much lately and this break came at a much needed time. I've spent the weekend doing long runs, long rides, long walks with Tucker and just relaxing. I'm excited to say I think I'm finally on top of life - bills are paid, ironing is done, lightbulbs are changed, windshield wiper fluid filled and all those niggling little things are taken care of. I've even had a chance to catch up on all my recorded episodes of Grey's Anatomy.

So, I'm going to take this peace and sense of being clean and hopefully keep it with me as the work monster consumes the next few months of my life. Happy Easter everyone and don't forget to breathe.. or buy yourselves some tulips...they make me smile. :o)


Anonymous said...

Geesh...for ONCE I'm not insanely jealous of how you spend your weekends Lynda. Looks like we were doing much of the same this, organizing, etc. Well, keep on keeping us updated on your London (and beyond) adventures. Happy Easter! - Brecken

Lynda said...

Oh don't worry, there are trips to Barcelona, France and Belgium in the near future! But really, it is nice to feel rested for a change. Hope you had a good Easter as well!