Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm No Longer Alpha Dog

Too many hours at work and some rainy weather has allowed my dog to wander around the house all day sleeping and moving around my shoes. So it's no surprise that with me not home much any more, he basically doesn't listen to me.

Case in point: why did I bother spending money on this....

When right in front of me he climbs up here and makes himself at home? No amount of me telling him 'Bed!' got him to move from his sunny spot.

In addition, he now climbs up on other people's couches. While enjoying a glass of wine at my friend Jo's, Tucker decided that he should have been the one on the couch and I got in the way. Seriously, he just climbed up on top of me as if I wasn't even there.

Alpha Dog, I am not.....

1 comment:

lvt4cats said...

But how could one resist that sweet, puppy-dog face??? Awww...

I wonder if he'd use the bed if you swapped places with the chair. Sunny spots rock, you know. :-)